Human Communications Digest
Special Offer on Back Issues to our Customers

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There have been a large number of important fax standards developments since we began publishing in 1992. HCD back issues are an excellent way to fill in the gaps. Get the facts about what happened and when. Since we appreciate your business as a customer, we want you to make it easy for you to get the information you need from back issues. We also now accept major credit cards! (Note: Supplies of some issues are limited)

Can I see a summary of the back issues?

Price list:

Internet Fax Back Issue Special! - Oct 96 - Apr 99- $355

(This covers the entire history of Internet fax standards from the beginning!)

Any 4 back issues: $120.00 (Save$126 from original price)
Any 3 back issues: $95.00; Any 2 back issues: $70.00; Any single back issue: $40.00
(If applicable, please add $5.00 for shipping and handling for Canada and $10 outside North America)

Note: All orders must be paid in U.S. currency drawn on a U.S. bank.

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Human Communications Digest
12 Kevin Drive
Danbury, CT 06811-2901

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Last modified: November 01, 1999