Human Communications Fax Routing Report Awarded "Best of Fax Report" By American Facsimile Association

For Immediate Release

Danbury, Conn. --- March 7, 1997 -- Consulting firm Human Communications today announced that the American Facsimile Association (AFAXA) named its first edition of Human Communcations Standards Update as "Best Fax Industry Report" and awarded it the AFAXA 1997 Best of Fax award. The report on standards based Fax Routing, entitled "A Research Report on Fax Routing Standards and Practice", was released in December and has been well received in the facsimile and telecommunications community.

The American Facsimile Association (AFAXA) headquartered in Philadelphia, PA, has been the leading educational and trade association for the fax industry since 1986. The AFAXA is the hub for industry information for organizations with an interest in fax technology, products, product development, marketing, statistical information and legislation. Its weekly publication, FAXFocus, covers all the news in the fax industry including emerging technologies, new products and services, and company news.

The AFAXA’s annual Best of Fax Awards recognize the best products and services that the fax industry has to offer. More information about the AFAXA can be found on its Web site at, or by calling (215) 981-0292.

"The American Facsimile Association is pleased to recognize Human Communications for its outstanding work in the area of Fax Standards," said Jerry Brodsky, president of the American Facsimile Association. "This report is concise and informative and highlights one of the areas that is important to the future of faxing."

Facsimile routing has emerged in numerous surveys of business customers as being one of the main areas where the implementation of Group 3 fax on computers needs improvement. In July, 1996, the International Telecommunications Union responded to this need by approving a new international standard for Fax Routing Utilizing the Subaddress known as the T.33 recommendation. The newly released Standards Update report is intended to bridge the gap between approval of the new fax routing standards and enabling vendors and customers to put them into practice.

In results from a vendor survey included in the new report, seventy-two percent of the companies responding have definite plans to include support for the Subaddress in their future products. About half of these companies have already made plans to support the new T.33 recommendation for fax routing in products as well.

"The development of standards based fax routing is a major milestone for the fax industry, " according to James Rafferty, President of Human Communications and the report’s author. "Products based on these standards will enable fax messages to be delivered directly to recipients on Local Area Networks and provide better integration of fax with e-mail systems and the Internet. The purpose of this Standards Update is to provide practical advice and how-to information that will help vendors and customers to realize these benefits as soon as possible."

The report is about 75 pages in length and includes seven chapters and various appendices. Key chapters of general interest to vendors and customers include a technical overview, applications overview, a summary of vendor plans and a review of future directions. At the heart of the report is a chapter of Recommendations, where Human Communications offers advice to fax vendors in five different fax market segments, along with detailed recommendations targeted to enterprise fax decision makers and fax users in small office and home office environments.

About the Author and Analysts

The author and primary analyst of the report, James Rafferty, President of Human Communications, was the editor of the ITU-T.33 recommendation on "Facsimile Routing Utilizing the Subadress" , which has just been published by the International Telecommunications Union in Geneva. Mr. Rafferty was also the editor for the IS-141 interim standard on fax routing from the Telecommunications Industry Association, headquartered in Arlington, Virginia. He was recently appointed as co-chair of the Internet Fax work group of the Internet Engineering Task Force.

Additional analysis and research was conducted by Fred Killmeyer, an associate consultant with over 30 years experience in telecommunications engineering and management with various industry leaders.

Human Communications

Human Communications is a consulting firm which advises clients on emerging telecommunications technologies and helps them to plan, design and implement highly competitive products and services. The firm has particular expertise in facsimile communications and its integration with emerging messaging, multimedia and network technologies, including the Internet. In addition to consulting services, HC publishes a leading fax standards newsletter, Human Communications Digest. The firm also conducts executive briefings on telecom technologies and offers a course on Group 3 fax technology in a joint venture with fax testing leader Genoa Technology.

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